MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Braking safelyThe vehicle is equipped with ABS as a standardfeature.Applying the brakes fully is the most effectiveway of braking in situations when this is neces‐sary.The vehicle maintains steering responsiveness.You can still avoid any obstacles with a mini‐mum of steering effort.Pulsation of the brake pedal and sounds fromthe hydraulic circuits indicate that ABS is in itsactive mode.Do not let your foot rest on the brakepedalDo not drive with your foot resting on the brakepedal. Even light but consistent pedal pressurecan lead to high temperatures, brake wear andpossibly even brake failure. ◀Objects in the area around the pedalsNo objects in the area around the pedalsKeep floor mats, carpets, and any otherobjects out of the area of motion of the pedals;otherwise, the function of the pedals could beimpeded while drivingDo not place additional floor mats over existingmats or other objects.Only use floor mats that have been approvedfor the vehicle and can be properly fixed inplace.Ensure that the floor mats are securely fastenedagain when they are returned after being re‐moved, such as for cleaning. ◀Driving in wet conditionsWhen roads are wet or there is heavy rain,briefly exert gentle pressure on the brake pedalevery few miles.Ensure that this action does not endanger otherroad users.The heat generated in this process helps drythe brake discs and pads.In this way braking efficiency will be availablewhen you need it.HillsDrive long or steep downhill gradients in thegear in which the least braking is required. Oth‐erwise, the brake system may overheat, result‐ing in a reduction in the brake system effi‐ciency.You can increase the engine's braking effect byshifting down, going all the way to first gear, ifnecessary.Downshifting in manual mode of the automatictransmission, refer to page 72.Avoid load on the brakesAvoid placing excessive load on the brakesystem. Light but consistent brake pressure canlead to high temperatures, brake wear andpossibly even brake failure. ◀Do not drive in neutralNever drive with the transmission in neu‐tral, with the engine switched off or with theclutch depressed; otherwise, you will have nei‐ther the braking action of the engine or nor itspower assistance when braking or steering. ◀Brake disc corrosionCorrosion on the brake discs and contamina‐tion on the brake pads are furthered by:▷Low mileage.▷Extended periods when the vehicle is notused at all.▷Infrequent use of the brakes.Corrosion occurs when the minimum pressurethat must be exerted by the pads during brakeapplications to clean the discs is not reached.Should corrosion form on the brake discs, thebrakes will tend to respond with a pulsating ef‐fect that generally cannot be corrected.Seite 126Driving tipsThings to remember when driving126Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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