MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 7.05MB
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Switch off the engine during longerstopsSwitch off the engine during longer stops, e.g.,at traffic lights, railroad crossings or in trafficcongestion.Fuel savings are already achieved after the en‐gine is turned off for as little as 4 seconds.Automatic Engine Start/Stop FunctionThe Automatic Engine Start/Stop Function auto‐matically switches the engine off during a stop.If the engine is stopped and then started again,fuel consumption and emissions drop com‐pared to an engine that runs permanently.Stopping the engine even for just a few sec‐onds can result in savings.In addition, fuel consumption depends on otherfactors as well, such as driving style, road con‐ditions, maintenance, and environmental fac‐tors.Switch off any functions that are notcurrently neededFunctions such as seat heating and the rearwindow defroster require a lot of energy andconsume additional fuel, especially in city andstop-and-go traffic.Therefore, switch off these functions if they arenot actually needed.Have maintenance carried outHave vehicles maintained regularly to achieveoptimal vehicle economy and operating life.Have the maintenance carried out by the serv‐ice center.Please also note the MINI maintenance system,refer to page 241 .Seite 132Driving tipsSaving fuel132Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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