MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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If there are several towns/cities with the samename:1.Change to the list of town/city names.2. Highlight the town/city.3. Select the town/city.Entering the postal code1. Select "Town/City/Postal Code" or the dis‐played town/city.2. Select the symbol.3. Select the digits individually.4. Change to the list of postal codes andtowns/cities.5. Highlight the entry.6. Selecting an entry.The associated destination town/city is dis‐played.Entering a street and intersection1. Select "Street" or the displayed street.2. Enter a street and intersection in the sameway as you would enter a town/city.If there are several streets with the same name:1. Change to the list of street names.2.Highlight the street.3.Select the street.Alternative: enter the street addressand house number1. Select "Street" or the displayed street.2.Enter the street as you would the town/city.3."House number"4.Select the numbers.5. Change to the list of house numbers.6. Select a house number or range of housenumbers.Street does not exist in the destinationcity/townThe desired street does not exist in the speci‐fied city/town because it belongs to anotherpart of the city/town.1. "Navigation"2. "Enter address"3. Select "Street" or the displayed street.4. Change to the list of street names.5. Select "In" with the state/province currentlydisplayed.All streets of the selected state/province areoffered. The associated town/city is dis‐played after the street name.6.Select the letters.7.Change to the list of street names.8.Highlight the street.9.Select the street.Starting destination guidance afterentering the destination1. "Accept destination"2."Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"Seite 139Destination entryNavigation139Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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