MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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If a phone number is available, a connec‐tion can be established if necessary.9. Select the symbol.10. "Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"Add a destination as a further destination,refer to page 146 .Position of special destinationsWhen entering the search location, various op‐tions can be selected.▷"At current location"▷"At destination"▷"At different location"▷If destination guidance is active: "Alongroute"Starting the search for specialdestinations1. "Start search"2.A list of the special destinations is dis‐played.▷"At current location"The special destinations are listed ac‐cording to their distance and are dis‐played with a directional arrow pointingto the destination.▷"At destination", "At different location","Along route"Special destinations are listed accordingto their distance from the locationwhere the search is being performed.▷Destinations of the selected categoryare displayed in the map view as sym‐bols. The display depends on the mapscale and the category.3. Highlight the special destination.4. Select a special destination.5. Select the symbol.6. "Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"The direct distance to destination is dis‐played.Displaying special destinations in themapTo display symbols of the special destinations inthe map view:1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. Open "Options".4. "Display Points of Interest"5.Select the setting.Destination entry by mapGeneral informationIf only the location of the destination town/cityor street is known, the destination can be en‐tered using the map.Seite 143Destination entryNavigation143Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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