MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Example: to enter a town/city in a US statesas a whole word, the language of the sys‐tem must be English.▷Spell the entry if the spoken language andthe language of the system differ.▷Say the letters smoothly, and avoid exag‐gerating the pronunciation and insertinglengthy pauses between the letters.▷The methods of entry depend on the navi‐gation data in use and the country and lan‐guage settings.Entering a town/city separatelyThe town/city can be said as a complete word.1. Press the button on the steeringwheel.2. ›City‹ or ›Spell city‹3. Wait for the system to prompt you for thetown/city.4. Say the name of the town/city, or name atleast the first three letters.5. Select a location:▷Select a recommended town/city: ›Yes‹.▷Select a different town/city: ›Newentry‹.▷Select an entry: ›Entry ...‹, for instance,entry 2.▷Spell an entry: ›Spell city‹.6.Continue making the entry as prompted bythe system.If there are several towns/cities with the samename:Towns/cities of the same name are grouped ina list and displayed as one location followed byan ellipsis.1.Select an entry: ›Yes‹ or ›Entry ...‹, e. g., En‐try 2.2.Select the desired town/city.The town/city can also be selected from thelist on the onboard monitor:Turn the MINI joystick until the destinationtown/city is selected and press theMINI joystick.Entering a street or intersectionseparatelyEnter a street and intersection in the same wayas you would enter a town/city.Entering a house number separatelyDepending on the data in the navigation sys‐tem, house numbers up to number 2,000 canbe entered.1. ›House number‹2. Say the house number.3. ›Yes‹ to confirm the house number.4. ›Accept destination‹Starting destination guidance›Start guidance‹Adding further intermediatedestinations›Add as another destination‹Further intermediate destinations can beadded.Storing a destinationThe destination is automatically added to thelist of last destinations.Planning a trip with in‐termediate destinationsNew tripVarious intermediate destinations can be en‐tered for a trip. The trip destination needs to beentered first, destination entry, refer topage 138 .Seite 145Destination entryNavigation145Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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