MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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4. "Volume"5. Turn the MINI joystick until the desired vol‐ume is set and press the MINI joystick.USB audio interface/music interface forsmartphonesAt a glanceIt is possible to connect external audio devices.They are operated via the onboard monitor.The sound is output on the vehicle loudspeak‐ers.Connectors for external devices▷Connection via USB audio interface: AppleiPod/iPhone, USB devices, e.g., MP3 play‐ers, USB flash drives, or mobile phones thatare supported by the USB audio interface.▷Connection via snap-in adapter, whenequipped with the music interface forsmartphones: Apple iPhone or mobilephones.Playback is only possible if no audio deviceis connected to the analog AUX-IN port.Due to the large number of different audio de‐vices available on the market, it cannot be en‐sured that every audio device/mobile phone isoperable on the vehicle.Ask your service center about suitable audiodevices/mobile phones.Audio filesStandard audio files can be played back:▷MP3.▷WMA.▷WAV (PCM).▷AAC, M4A.▷Without the voice activation system: play‐back lists: M3U▷With the voice activation system: playbacklists: M3U, WPL, PLSVideo filesStandard video files can be played back with acompatible Apple device:▷MPEG4▷H.264File systemStandard file systems for USB devices are sup‐ported. The FAT 32 format is recommended.ConnectingThe USB audio interface is in thecenter console.Connection of Apple iPod/iPhone via USBaudio interfaceTo connect the iPod, use the special cableadapter for the Apple iPod. Additional informa‐tion can be obtained from the service center oron the Internet: the Apple iPod/iPhone with the AUX-IN port and USB interface.The Apple iPod/iPhone menu structure is sup‐ported by the USB audio interface.Connection of a USB device via the USBaudio interfaceConnect using a flexible adapter cable to pro‐tect the USB audio interface and the USB deviceagainst physical damage.Connect the USB device to the USB interface.Seite 172EntertainmentCD/multimedia172Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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