MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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After connecting for the first timeInformation on all music tracks, e.g. artist ortype of music, as well as playback lists aretransmitted into the vehicle. This may takesome time, depending on the USB device andthe number of tracks.During transmission, the tracks can be called upvia the file directory.Number of tracksInformation from up to four USB devices or forapprox. 26,000 tracks can be stored in the ve‐hicle. If a fifth device is connected or if morethan 26,000 tracks are stored, information onexisting tracks may be deleted.Copy protectionMusic tracks with integrated Digital Rights Man‐agement (DRM) cannot be played.Audio playback1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "External devices"3. Select the or symbol.The playback starts with the first track.The CD cover belonging to the track may ap‐pear on the Control Display after several sec‐onds.Track searchSelection is possible via:▷Playback lists.▷Information: type of music, artist, and, ifavailable, composer, album, track.▷Additionally for USB devices: file directory,composer.Tracks are displayed if they have been saved inthe Latin alphabet.Starting the track search1."CD/Multimedia"2."External devices"3. Select the or symbol.4. "Search"5. Select the desired category, e.g., "Genre" or"Artist".All entries are displayed in a list.▷Open "A-Z search" and input the de‐sired entry. When a letter is entered,the results are filtered using this letteras the first letter. If multiple letters areentered, all results that contain that se‐quence are displayed.▷Select the desired entry from the list.6.Select other categories if you wish.Not all categories need to be selected. Forexample, if all of the tracks by a certain ar‐tist are to be displayed, call up that artistonly. All of the tracks by that artist are thendisplayed.7. "Play"Restarting a track search"New search"Seite 173CD/multimediaEntertainment173Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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