MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Information on connection▷The connected audio device is suppliedwith a max. power of 500 mA if supportedby the device. Therefore, do not addition‐ally connect the device to a socket in thevehicle; otherwise, playback may be com‐promised.▷Do not use force when plugging the con‐nector into the USB interface.▷Do not connect devices such as fans orlamps to the USB audio interface.▷Do not connect USB hard drives.▷Do not use the USB audio interface to re‐charge external devices.Bluetooth audioAt a glance▷Music files on external devices such as au‐dio devices or mobile phones can be playedback via Bluetooth.Use of a mobile phone as an audio source,refer to page 194 .▷Bluetooth® is a registered trademark ofBluetooth® SIG, Inc.▷The sound is output on the vehicle loud‐speakers.▷The volume of the sound output is depend‐ent on the device. If necessary, adjust thevolume on the device.▷Up to four external devices can be pairedwith the vehicle.Requirements▷The device is suitable. Information▷The device is ready for operation.▷The ignition is switched on.▷Bluetooth is activated on the vehicle, referto page 193 , and on the device.▷Bluetooth presettings must be made on thedevice, such as for a connection withoutconfirmation or visibility; refer to the deviceoperating instructions.▷A number with at least four and a maxi‐mum of 16 digits is defined as the Blue‐tooth passkey. It is only required once forpairing.Pairing and connectingPairing a deviceTo avoid becoming distracted and posingan unnecessary hazard both to your own vehi‐cle's occupants and to other road users, onlypair the device while the vehicle is stationary. ◀1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "Bluetooth® (audio)"3. If necessary, "Bluetooth® audio".4. "Add new phone"The Bluetooth name of the vehicle is dis‐played.5.Perform additional steps on the device, re‐fer to the device operating instructions: forinstance, search for or connect the Blue‐tooth device or a new device.The Bluetooth name of the vehicle appearson the device display.6.Select the Bluetooth name of the vehicle onthe device display.You are prompted by the onboard monitoror device to enter the same Bluetooth pass‐key.7.Enter the passkey and confirm.orSeite 175CD/multimediaEntertainment175Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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