MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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The device could not be paired or connected.▷Do the Bluetooth passkeys on the deviceand the vehicle match? Enter the samepasskey on the device and via the onboardmonitor.▷A multi-character passkey may be needed.▷Did it take longer than 30 seconds to enterthe passkey? Repeat the pairing procedure.▷Are too many Bluetooth devices connectedto the device or vehicle? Delete connec‐tions with other devices if necessary.▷Is the mobile phone in power-save mode ordoes it have only a limited remaining bat‐tery life? Charge the mobile phone in thesnap-in adapter or via a charging cable.▷Depending on the mobile phone, it is possi‐ble that only one device can be connectedto the vehicle. Unpair the connected devicefrom the vehicle and pair and connect onlyone device.▷The device no longer reacts? Switch the de‐vice off and on again.▷Repeat the pairing procedure.Music cannot be played back.▷Start the program for playing back musicdata on the device and select a track on thedevice if necessary.▷Switch the radio on and off again.Music files can only be played back softly.▷Adjust the volume settings on the device.Videos can only be played back without audioor with delayed audio.▷Check the compatibility of the devices. In‐formation under‐ity.Playback is disturbed when buttons are pressedor by other messages on the device.▷Switch off the button tones and other signaltones on the device.Playback is interrupted by a telephone call ortraffic bulletin and is not resumed automati‐cally.▷Switch the radio on and off again.Playback is not possible if the mobile phone isconnected via Bluetooth Audio while it is alsoconnected via the music interface for smart‐phones in the snap-in adapter.▷Disconnect one of the two connections; forexample, disconnect the audio connection,refer to page 177 , and restart playback.If all points in this list have been checked andthe required function is still not available,please contact the hotline or service center.Software UpdateThe vehicle supports various external devicesdepending on the current software version.With a software update, the vehicle can supportnew mobile phones or new external device, forexample.Software updates and related current informa‐tion is available at the current versionThe currently installed software is displayed.1. "Settings"2."Software update"3."Show current version"Updating the softwareThe software may only be updated when thevehicle is stationary.1. Store the file for the software-update in themain director of a USB flash drive.2. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB au‐dio interface in the center console. An up‐date via the USB interface in the glove com‐partment is not possible.3."Settings"4."Software update"Seite 178EntertainmentCD/multimedia178Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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