MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Bluetooth mobile phonepreparation packageVehicle equipmentThis chapter describes all series equipment aswell as country-specific and special equipmentoffered for this model series.Therefore, it alsodescribes equipment that may not be found inyour vehicle, for instance due to the selectedspecial equipment or the country version. Thisalso applies to safety-related functions and sys‐tems.At a glanceThe conceptMobile phones or other external devices suchas audio players can be connected to the vehi‐cle via Bluetooth.Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Blue‐tooth® SIG, Inc.After these devices are paired once, they arerecognized automatically when the ignition isswitched on as soon as they are in the vehicleand can then be operated via the onboardmonitor, using the buttons on the steeringwheel, and via voice activation.Depending on their functionality, external devi‐ces can be used via the vehicle as a telephoneor as an audio source. The telephone functionsare described in the following. Operating theaudio functions, refer to page 175 .Up to four external devices can be paired.Certain functions may need to be enabled bythe mobile phone provider or service provider.Using the mobile phone while drivingMake entries only when traffic and roadconditions allow. Do not hold the mobile phonein your hand while you are driving; use thehands-free system instead. If you do not ob‐serve this precaution, you can endanger the ve‐hicle occupants and other road users. ◀Snap-in adapterThe snap-in adapter is used to:▷Hold the mobile phone.▷Recharge the battery.▷Connect the mobile phone to an outsideantenna of the vehicle.This provides for better network receptionand consistent sound quality.Approved mobile phonesDisplaying the vehicle identificationnumber and software part numberThe vehicle identification number and softwarepart number are needed to determine whichmobile phones are supported by the mobilephone preparation package. The software ver‐sion of the mobile phone may also be required.1. "Telephone"2.Open "Options".3."Bluetooth® info"4."Display system information"These approved mobile phones with a certainsoftware version, support the vehicle functionsdescribed below.Malfunctions may occur with other mobilephones or software versions.Do not operate a mobile phone that is con‐nected to the vehicle on the mobile phone key‐pad, as this may lead to a malfunction.Seite 192CommunicationBluetooth mobile phone preparation package192Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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