MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Reading the appointment out loudRead the appointment out loud, refer topage 210 .TasksDisplaying the task listDisplay tasks that are due within the next90 days.1. "Office"2. "Tasks"Sorting the task list1. Select the header in the task list.2.Select the sorting criterion:▷"Priority (!)"▷"Subject"▷"Due date"Displaying the task1. Select the desired task.2.Scroll in the task if necessary:▷Turn the MINI joystick.▷ Select the symbol.Using contact dataContact data from appointments, tasks, textmessages, e-mails, and notes can be stored orselected, refer to page 210 .Reading the task out loudRead the task out loud, refer to page 210 .NotesDisplaying notes1. "Office"2. "Notes"All notes are displayed.Displaying the note1. Select the desired note.2. Scroll in the note if necessary:▷Turn the MINI joystick.▷ Select the symbol.Using contact dataContact data from appointments, tasks, textmessages, e-mails, and notes can be stored orselected, refer to page 210 .Reading the note out loudRead the note out loud, refer to page 210 .Seite 209OfficeCommunication209Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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