MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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FuelVehicle equipmentThis chapter describes all series equipment aswell as country-specific and special equipmentoffered for this model series.Therefore, it alsodescribes equipment that may not be found inyour vehicle, for instance due to the selectedspecial equipment or the country version. Thisalso applies to safety-related functions and sys‐tems.Fuel qualityGasolineFor the best fuel economy, the gasoline shouldbe sulfur-free or very low in sulfur content.Do not use fuels that are labeled at the fuelpump as containing metals.Only refuel with lead-free gasoline with‐out metal additivesDo not refuel with leaded gasoline or gasolinewith metal additives, e. g., manganese or iron;otherwise, the catalytic converter and othercomponents will be permanently damaged. ◀Fuels with a maximum ethanol content of10 %, i.e., E10, may be used for refueling.The ethanol should fulfill the following qualitystandards:US: ASTM 4806–xxCAN: CGSB-3.511–xxxx: always adhere to the currently applicablestandard.Do not refuel with ethanol E85Do not refuel with E85, i.e., fuel with anethanol content of 85 %, or with Flex Fuel, asthis would damage the engine and fuel supplysystem. ◀The engine is knock controlled. Therefore, youcan refuel with different gasoline qualities.Recommended fuel qualityThe manufacturer of your MINI recommends:▷AKI 91.▷John Cooper Works AKI 93.Minimum fuel gradeThe manufacturer of your MINI recommendsAKI 89.Minimum fuel gradeDo not fill up with fuel below the speci‐fied minimum quality; otherwise, the enginemay not run properly. ◀If you use gasoline with this minimum AKI Rat‐ing, the engine may produce knocking soundswhen starting at high outside temperatures.This has no effect on the engine life.Minimum fuel gradeThe use of poor-quality fuels may result inharmful engine deposits or damage. Addition‐ally, problems relating to drivability, startingand stalling, especially under certain environ‐mental conditions such as high ambient tem‐perature and high altitude, may occur.If drivability problems are encountered, we rec‐ommend switching to a high quality gasolinebrand and a higher octane grade — AKI num‐ber — for a few tank fills. To avoid harmful en‐gine deposits, it is highly recommended to pur‐chase gasoline from BP or Top Tier retailers.Failure to comply with these recommendationsmay result in the need for unscheduled mainte‐nance. ◀Seite 220MobilityFuel220Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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