MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Maximum speed of winter tiresIf the maximum speed of the vehicle is higherthan the permissible speed for the winter tires,then display a corresponding sign in the field ofvision. You can obtain this sign from the tirespecialist or from your service center.Maximum speed for winter tiresDo not exceed the maximum speed forthe winter tires; otherwise, tire damage and ac‐cidents can occur. ◀Run-flat tiresWhen mounting new tires or changing fromsummer to winter tires or vice versa, use run-flat tires for your own safety. Also, a compactwheel is not available in case of a flat tire. Yourservice center will be glad to advise you.Rotating wheels between axlesDifferent wear patterns occur on the front andrear axles, depending on the individual condi‐tions of use.To ensure even wear on the tires, the wheelscan be rotated between the axles. Your servicecenter will be glad to advise you.After changing the tires, check the tire inflationpressure and correct it if necessary.StorageStore wheels and tires in a cool, dry place withas little exposure to light as possible.Always protect tires against all contact with oil,grease and fuels.Do not exceed the maximum tire inflation pres‐sure indicated on the side wall of the tire.Run-flat tiresLabelThe symbol identifying run-flat tires is a circlewith the letters RSC on the sidewall.Run-flat tires are tires with special rims thatsupport themselves for a limited period of time.The sidewall reinforcement ensures that thetire can continue to be used to a limited extentif it has lost pressure and even if it has becomecompletely depressurized.For continued driving in the event of a flat tire,refer to page 94.Correcting a flat tireSafety measures in case of a breakdown▷Park the vehicle as far as possiblefrom passing traffic and on solidground. Switch on the hazard warn‐ing system.▷Let the steering wheel lock engage with thewheels in the straight-ahead position, setthe handbrake, and engage first gear or re‐verse, or engage selector lever position P.▷Have all vehicle occupants get out of thevehicle and ensure that they remain out‐side the immediate area in a safe place,such as behind a guardrail.Seite 232MobilityWheels and tires232Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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