MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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3. Insert the sealant bottle into the compres‐sor housing in a vertical position.4. Unscrew the dust cap off of the valve of thedefective wheel and screw the filling hose 2of the sealant bottle onto the valve.5. Ensure that the compressor is switched off.6. Insert connector 5 into the lighter socket/socket in the passenger compartment, referto page 114 .7. When the engine is running:Switch on the compressor and let it run forapprox. 3 to 8 minutes to fill sealant intothe tire and achieve a tire inflation pressureof approx. 1.8 bar/26 psi.While sealant is being filled, the inflationpressure may intermittently rise to approx.5 bar/73 psi. Do not switch off the com‐pressor in this phase.8.Switch off the compressor.Do not allow the compressor to run toolongDo not allow the compressor to run longer than10 minutes; otherwise, the device will overheatand may be damaged. ◀If an air pressure of 1.8 bar/26 psi is notreached:1.Unscrew the filling hose 2 from the wheeland drive forward and back approx.33 ft/10 m to evenly distribute the sealantin the tire.2.Inflate the tire again using the compressor.If the inflation pressure of 1.8 bar/26 psi is stillnot reached, the tire is too heavily damaged.Contact the nearest service center.Stowing the Mobility System1. Unscrew the filling hose 2 of the sealantbottle from the wheel.2. Unscrew the compressor connection hose 6from the sealant bottle.3. Connect the filling hose 2 of the sealantbottle with the free connector on the seal‐ant bottle.This prevents left-over sealant from escap‐ing from the bottle.4. Wrap the empty sealant bottle in suitablematerial to avoid dirtying the cargo area.5. Stow the Mobility System back in the vehi‐cle.Distributing the sealantDrive approx. 3.1 miles/5 km to evenly distrib‐ute the sealant.Do not exceed a speed of 50 mph/80 km/h. Ifpossible, do not drop below a speed of10 mph/20 km/h.Correcting the tire inflation pressure1. After driving approx. 3.1 miles/5 km, orabout 10 minutes, stop in a suitable loca‐tion.2.Screw the connection hose 6 of the com‐pressor directly onto the tire valve.3.Insert the connector 5 into the powersocket in the passenger compartment.4.Correct the tire inflation pressure to1.8 bar/26 psi. When the engine is running:▷To increase the inflation pressure:switch on the compressor. To check thecurrently set inflation pressure, switchoff the compressor.▷To reduce the inflation pressure: pressthe release button 9.Seite 234MobilityWheels and tires234Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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