MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 7.05MB
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Do not allow the compressor to run toolongDo not allow the compressor to run longer than10 minutes; otherwise, the device will overheatand may be damaged. ◀If the inflation pressure is not maintained, takethe vehicle on another drive, distributing thesealant, refer to page 234 . Then repeat steps1 to 4 once.If the inflation pressure of 1.8 bar/26 psi is stillnot reached, the tire is too heavily damaged.Contact the nearest service center.Continuing the tripNote the maximum speedDo not exceed the maximum speed of50 mph/80 km/h; otherwise, accidents can oc‐cur. ◀Replace the defective tire as soon as possibleand have the wheel balanced.Have the Mobility System refilled.Snow chainsOnly certain fine-link snow chains have beentested by MINI, classified as safe for use, andrecommended. Consult your service center formore information.Use only in pairs on the front wheels, equippedwith tires of the following size:▷175/65 R 15 M+S▷175/60 R 16 M+SJohn Cooper Works:▷185/50 R 17 86 H M+S XL RSCObserve the manufacturer's instructions whenmounting snow chains. Do not exceed a speedof 30 mph or 50 km/h when using snow chains.Do not initialize the Flat Tire Monitor if snowchains are mounted; otherwise, the instrumentmight issue an incorrect reading. When drivingwith snow chains, it may be useful to tempora‐rily deactivate DSC or activate DTC, refer topage 101 .Seite 235Wheels and tiresMobility235Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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