MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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reduced track stability on braking, extendedbraking distance, and altered self-steeringcharacteristics in the limit range. In conjunctionwith winter tires, these characteristics are morepronounced. ◀Only mount one compact wheelOnly one compact wheel may bemounted. Restore the wheels and tires to theiroriginal size as quickly as possible. Failure to doso is a safety risk. ◀Check the tire inflation pressure at the next op‐portunity and correct it if necessary. Replacethe defective tire as soon as possible and havethe new wheel balanced.Preparing wheel changeObserve the safety precautions regarding flattires, refer to page 232 .Additional safety precautions in the eventof a wheel changeChange the wheel only on a level, firm surfacewhich is not slippery.The vehicle or the jack could slip to the side ifyou attempt to raise the vehicle on a soft orslippery surface, snow, ice, tiles, etc. Do not usea wooden block or similar object as a supportbase for the jack, as this would prevent it fromextending to its full support height and reduceits load-carrying capacity.To avoid serious or fatal injury: never lie underthe vehicle, and never start the engine while itis supported by the jack. ◀1. Place the folding wheel chock behind thefront wheel of the other vehicle side; if thevehicle is on an incline, place it in front ofthis wheel. If the vehicle is parked on asteep incline, additionally secure the vehi‐cle against rolling.2. Expose the lug bolts if necessary.3.Loosen the lug bolts a half turn.Jacking up vehicleThe vehicle jack is designed for changingwheels only.The vehicle jack is designed for changingwheels only. Do not attempt to raise anothervehicle model with it or to raise any load of anykind. To do so could cause accidents and per‐sonal injury. ◀1. Position the vehicle jack at the jacking pointclosest to the wheel.The entire surface of the jack base mustrest on the ground vertically beneath thejacking point.2. Guide the jack head into the rectangular re‐cess of the jacking point when cranking up.3.Jack the vehicle up until the wheel you arechanging is raised from the ground.Mounting the compact wheel1.Unscrew the lug bolts and remove thewheel.2. Remove accumulations of mud or dirt fromthe mounting surfaces of the wheel andhub. Also clean the lug bolts.Seite 251Replacing componentsMobility251Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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