MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Lights up yellow: the battery chargelevel is very low, the battery is old, or itis not securely connected.Charge the battery by taking a long drive or us‐ing an external charger. If the indicators appearagain, have the battery checked as soon aspossible.Disposing of old batteriesHave used batteries disposed of by theservice center after they are replaced ortake them to a recycling center.Maintain the battery in an upright position fortransport and storage. Secure the battery sothat it does not tip over during transport.FusesReplacing fusesNever attempt to repair a blown fuse anddo not replace a defective fuse with a substi‐tute of another color or amperage rating; thiscould lead to a circuit overload, ultimately re‐sulting in a fire in the vehicle. ◀Fuses should be replaced by the service center.Information on the fuses can be found on theinside of the covers.In the engine compartmentOpening the coverPress the snap lock.In interiorOn the right side of the footwell.Opening the coverPush out at the recess.Seite 253Replacing componentsMobility253Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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