MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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the battery, or to the engine or bodyground of the vehicle to be started.Body ground:Starting the engineNever use spray fluids to start the engine.1. Start the engine of the assisting vehicle andlet it run for several minutes at a slightly in‐creased idle speed.2. Start the engine of the vehicle being startedin the usual way.If the first starting attempt is not successful,wait a few minutes before making anotherattempt in order to allow the dischargedbattery to recharge.3.Let both engines run for several minutes.4.Disconnect the jumper cables in the reverseorder.Check the battery and recharge if necessary.Tow-starting and towingNotesObserve applicable laws and regulationsObserve applicable laws and regulationsfor tow-starting and towing. ◀No additional passengersDo not transport any passengers otherthan the driver in a vehicle that is beingtowed. ◀Using a tow fittingThe screw-in tow fitting must always be carriedin the vehicle. It can be screwed in at the frontor rear of the MINI.Tow fitting, information on use▷Use only the tow fitting provided withthe vehicle and screw it all the way in.▷Use the tow fitting for towing on pavedroads only.▷Avoid lateral loading of the tow fitting, e.g.,do not lift the vehicle by the tow fitting.Otherwise, damage to the tow fitting and thevehicle can occur. ◀Access to the screw threadPush out the tow fitting cover at the appropri‐ate recess in the bumper.FrontRearJohn Cooper Works with aerodynamic bumper:Pull out the tow fitting cover in the bumper inthe lower section, arrow.Seite 256MobilityBreakdown assistance256Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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