MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Lamp, replacing, refer toLamp and bulb replace‐ment 244 Lamps 85 Lamps, automatic headlampcontrol 85 Lamps, parking lamps/lowbeams 85 Language, changing on theControl Display 80 Lap-and-shoulder belt, referto Safety belts 55 LATCH child restraint fixingsystem 61 Leather, care 261 Leather care 261 LEDs, light-emitting di‐odes 245 Letters and numbers, enter‐ing 22 License plate lamp, bulb re‐placement 247 Light-alloy wheels, care 262 Light-emitting diodes,LEDs 245 Lighter– Socket 114Lighting– Instruments 88Lighting, lamp and bulb re‐placement 244 Lighting, vehicle, refer toLamps 85 Light switch 85 Limit, refer to Speed limit 99 Lock buttons on doors, referto Locking 35 Locking– From the inside 35– From the outside 33– Setting the confirmation sig‐nal 33– Without remote control, re‐fer to Comfort Access 37Locking, vehicle– From the inside 35– From the outside 32Longlife oils, alternative oiltypes 239 Longlife oils, refer to Ap‐proved engine oils 239 Low beams 85 Low beams– Automatic 85Low beams, automatic 85 Low beams, bulb replace‐ment 245 Lower back support, refer toLumbar support 54 Lumbar support 54 MMain inspection, refer to Serv‐ice requirements 81 Maintenance, refer to Servicebooklet Maintenance, refer to Servicerequirements 81 Maintenance require‐ments 241 Maintenance systemMINI 241 Malfunction– Automatic transmission withSteptronic 72– Convertible top 44, 51– Door lock 35– Fuel filler flap 218– Tailgate 36Malfunction warnings, refer toCheck Control 82 Manual activation– Tailgate 36Manual air distribu‐tion 109 , 112 Manual convertible top 47 Manual mode, automatictransmission with Step‐tronic 71 Manual operation– Door lock 35– Electrical convertibletop 44, 51– Selector lever lock, auto‐matic transmission 72Manual operation, fuel fillerflap 218 Manual transmission 70 Map, destination entry 143 Map display in black andwhite 152 Map view 150 Marking on approvedtires 231 Master key, refer to Remotecontrol with integratedkey 30 Maximum cooling 111 Maximum speed, wintertires 232 Mechanical convertibletop 47 Menu operation, onboardmonitor 18 Menus, refer to Onboardmonitor operating con‐cept 19 Message list, traffic bulle‐tins 151 Messages 207 Microfilter 110 Microfilter– With automatic climate con‐trol 112MINI Connected 212 MINI Homepage 6 MINI Internet page 6 MINI maintenance sys‐tem 241 MINI Mobility System 233 Minimum tread, tires 230 Mirrors 57 Mirrors, folding in and out 57 Mirrors, interior mirror 57 Mobile communication devi‐ces in the vehicle 125 Seite 285Everything from A to ZReference285Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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