MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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2. Push the unlocked convertible top upwardat the handle and open it about a hand'swidth.3. Press the switch back to open theconvertible top. The windows opens duringthis procedure.Closing1. Press the switch forward.2.Pull the convertible top onto the windshieldframe.3.Turn the handle clockwise until it engagesaudibly.The convertible top is locked.If the convertible top was open for alengthy period, it may be necessary to ap‐ply greater force when locking the top.4.Fold the handle back in.5. Close the windows if necessary.Manual closing in case of electricalmalfunctionOnly close the convertible top manually ifthere is an electrical malfunctionOnly close the convertible top manually if this isabsolutely necessary; never open it manually.Damage may occur if incorrectly operated. Theclosing procedure must be fully completed;otherwise, there is a risk of injury or damage. ◀Before closingLower the side windows slightly, switch off theengine, and switch off the ignition.1. Take out the cover plate, refer topage 116 .2. Take out the cargo area insert, arrow.3.Using the hex key from the onboard vehicletool kit, unscrew the gold-colored screw,see arrow, all the way to the stop, approx.four to five turns.Seite 51Opening and closingControls51Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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