MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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To save battery power when the engine is off,switch off the ignition and any unnecessaryelectronic systems/power consumers.Radio ready state and ignition offAll indicator and warning lamps in the displaysgo out.The ignition switches off automatically whenthe driver's door is opened. Pressing the Start/Stop button again switches the ignition backon.For example, the ignition is not switched off inthe following situations:▷Depress the clutch or brake pedal.▷The low beams are switched onStarting the engineGeneral informationEnclosed areasDo not let the engine run in enclosedareas; otherwise, breathing of exhaust fumesmay lead to loss of consciousness and death.The exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide,an odorless and colorless but highly toxic gas. ◀Unattended vehicleDo not leave the car unattended with theengine running; otherwise, it presents a poten‐tial source of danger.Before leaving the car with the engine running,shift to neutral or engage transmission posi‐tion P and set the handbrake firmly; otherwise,the vehicle may begin to roll. ◀Frequent starting in quick successionAvoid repeated futile attempts at startingthe car and avoid starting the car frequently inquick succession. Otherwise, the fuel is notburned or is inadequately burned, and there isthe danger of overheating and damaging thecatalytic converter. ◀Do not wait for the engine to warm-up whilethe vehicle remains stationary; start drivingright away, but at moderate engine speeds.Do not depress the accelerator when startingthe engine.Starting the engineManual transmissionRemote control in the ignition lock or, withComfort Access, inside the vehicle, refer topage 37.1. Depress the brake pedal.2. Depress the clutch pedal.3. Press the Start/Stop button.The ignition is activated automatically for a cer‐tain time and is stopped as soon as the enginestarts.Automatic transmissionRemote control in the ignition lock or, withComfort Access, inside the vehicle, refer topage 37.1. Depress the brake pedal.2.Move the selector lever to position P or N.3.Press the Start/Stop button.The ignition is activated automatically for a cer‐tain time and is stopped as soon as the enginestarts.Seite 65DrivingControls65Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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