MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Activating the M/S manual modeMove the selector lever from position D towardthe left into the M/S shifting slot.Push the selector lever forward or backward.Manual mode becomes active and the gear ischanged.The tachometer displays the engaged gear,e. g. M1.▷To shift up: press the selector lever back‐ward.▷To shift down: press the selector lever for‐ward.The vehicle only shifts up or down at appropri‐ate engine and road speeds, e.g., it does notshift down if the engine speed is too high. Theselected gear is briefly displayed in the instru‐ment panel, followed by the current gear.Shifting gears using the shift paddleson the steering wheelThe shift paddles on the steering wheel allowyou to shift gears quickly while keeping bothhands on the steering wheel.▷When the shift paddles on the steeringwheel are used to shift gears while in auto‐matic mode, the transmission switches tomanual mode.▷If the shift paddles are not used to acceler‐ate or shift gears for a certain amount oftime, the transmission switches back to au‐tomatic mode.If the selector lever is in the M/S gear plane,manual mode remains active.▷Pull one of the two shift paddles:The transmission shifts up.▷Press one of the two shift paddles:The transmission shifts down.The vehicle only shifts up or down at appropri‐ate engine and road speeds, e.g., it does notshift down if the engine speed is too high. Theselected gear is briefly displayed in the instru‐ment panel, followed by the current gear.Manually unlocking the selector leverlockIf the selector lever is locked in position P al‐though the ignition is switched on, the brake isdepressed, and the button on the selector leveris pressed, the selector lever lock can be over‐ridden:1. Switch off the ignition.2.Unclip the sleeve of the selector lever.3.Pull the sleeve up over the selector leveruntil the sleeve is inside out.Pull off the plug-in cable connector if nec‐essary.Seite 72ControlsDriving72Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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