MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Run-flat tiresYou can continue driving with a damaged tireat speeds up to 50 mph/80 km/h.Continued driving with a flat tireIf continuing to drive with a damaged tire:1. Avoid sudden braking and steering maneu‐vers.2. Do not exceed a speed of 50 mph/80 km/h.3. At the next opportunity, check the inflationpressure in all four tires.If the tire inflation pressure in all four tires iscorrect, the Flat Tire Monitor may not havebeen initialized. In this case, initialize thesystem.Possible driving distance with complete loss oftire inflation pressure:The possible driving distance after a loss of tireinflation pressure depends on the cargo loadand the driving style and conditions.For a vehicle containing an average load, thepossible driving distance is ap‐prox. 50 miles/80 km.When the vehicle is driven with a damaged tire,its handling characteristics change, e.g., re‐duced lane stability during braking, a longerbraking distance, and altered self-steeringproperties. Adjust your driving style accord‐ingly. Avoid abrupt steering maneuvers or driv‐ing over obstacles, e. g., curbs, potholes, etc.Because the possible driving distance dependson how the vehicle is used during the trip, theactual distance may be smaller or greater de‐pending on the driving speed, road conditions,external temperature, cargo load, etc.Continued driving with a flat tireDrive moderately and do not exceed aspeed of 50 mph/80 km/h.A loss of tire inflation pressure results in achange in the handling characteristics, e.g., re‐duced lane stability during braking, a longerbraking distance and altered self-steering prop‐erties. ◀Final tire failureVibrations or loud noises while drivingcan indicate the final failure of the tire. Reducespeed and stop; otherwise, pieces of the tirecould come loose and cause an accident. Donot continue driving, and contact your servicecenter. ◀Tire Pressure MonitorTPMThe conceptThe tire inflation pressure is measured in thefour mounted tires. The system notifies you ifthere is a significant loss of pressure in one ormore tires.Functional requirementsThe system must have been reset while the in‐flation pressure was correct; otherwise, reliablesignaling of a flat tire is not ensured.Always use wheels with TPM electronics to en‐sure that the system will operate properly.Reset the system after each correction of thetire inflation pressure and after every tire orwheel change.System limitsSudden tire damageSudden serious tire damage caused byexternal influences cannot be indicated in ad‐vance. ◀The system does not operate correctly if it hasnot been reset. For example, a flat tire may beindicated despite correct tire inflation pres‐sures.Seite 95SafetyControls95Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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