MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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The system is inactive and cannot indicate a flattire:▷If a wheel without TPM electronics ismounted, e.g., compact wheel.▷For a mounted wheel without TPM elec‐tronics.▷When the TPM is disturbed by other sys‐tems or devices with the same radio fre‐quency.Status display1. "Vehicle Info"2. "Vehicle status"3. "Tire Pressure Monitor - TPM"The status is displayed.Status indicator on the Control DisplayThe tire and system status is indicated by thecolor of the tires.A change in the tire inflation pressure duringdriving is taken into account.A correction is only necessary if this is indicatedby the TPMWheels, greenThe tire inflation pressure is equal to the targetstate."TPM active" is displayed on the onboard moni‐tor.One wheel is yellowA flat tire or major drop in inflation pressure inthe indicated tire.All wheels are yellow▷A flat tire or major drop in inflation pressurein several tires.▷The system was not reset after a wheelchange and thus issues a warning based onthe inflation pressures initialized last.▷A flat tire in one or more tires while the sys‐tem is being reset.Wheels, grayThe system cannot detect a flat tire.Reasons for this may be:▷TPM is being reset.▷Disturbance by systems or devices with thesame radio frequency.▷Malfunction.Resetting the systemReset the system after each correction of thetire inflation pressure and after every tire orwheel change.1. "Vehicle Info"2. "Vehicle status"3."Reset"4.Start the engine - do not drive away.5. Start the initialization with "Reset".6. Drive away.The tires are shown in gray and "ResettingTPM..." is displayed.After driving a few minutes, the set inflationpressures in the tires are accepted as the targetvalues to be monitored. The resetting process isSeite 96ControlsSafety96Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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