MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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pressure label, you should determine theproper tire inflation pressure for those tires.).As an added safety feature, your vehicle hasbeen equipped with a tire pressure monitoringsystem (TPMS) that illuminates a low tire pres‐sure telltale when one or more of your tires issignificantly under-inflated. Accordingly, whenthe low tire pressure telltale illuminates, youshould stop and check your tires as soon aspossible, and inflate them to the proper pres‐sure. Driving on a significantly under-inflatedtire causes the tire to overheat and can lead totire failure. Under-inflation also reduces fuel ef‐ficiency and tire tread life, and may affect thevehicle's handling and stopping ability.Please note that the TPMS is not a substitute forproper tire maintenance, and it is the driver'sresponsibility to maintain correct tire pressure,even if under-inflation has not reached thelevel to trigger illumination of the TPMS low tirepressure telltale.Your vehicle has also been equipped with aTPMS malfunction indicator to indicate whenthe system is not operating properly. The TPMSmalfunction indicator is combined with the lowtire pressure telltale. When the system detectsa malfunction, the telltale will flash for approxi‐mately one minute and then remain continu‐ously illuminated. This sequence will continueupon subsequent vehicle startups as long asthe malfunction exists. When the malfunctionindicator is illuminated, the system may not beable to detect or signal low tire pressure as in‐tended. TPMS malfunctions may occur for a va‐riety of reasons, including the installation of re‐placement or alternate tires or wheels on thevehicle that prevent the TPMS from functioningproperly. Always check the TPMS malfunctiontelltale after replacing one or more tires orwheels on your vehicle to ensure that the re‐placement or alternate tires and wheels allowthe TPMS to continue to function properly.Speed limitThe conceptEnter a speed for which a Check Control mes‐sage will be displayed when the speed isreached. This enables you to receive warnings ifyou exceed a speed limit in an urban area, forexample.You are only warned of reaching this speed asecond time if your vehicle speed falls below itagain by at least 3 mph/5 km/h.Displaying, setting or changing thelimit1. "Settings"2. "Speed"3. "Warning at:"4.Turn the MINI joystick to accept the setting.5.Press the MINI joystick to apply the setting.The limit is stored.Applying your current speed as the limit1. "Settings"2."Speed"Seite 99SafetyControls99Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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