MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Close the storage compartment again im‐mediately after use.Close the storage compartment again immedi‐ately after use while driving; otherwise, injurymay occur during accidents. ◀MINI Convertible, MINI RoadsterThe storage compartment cannot be locked.MINI Coupe, MINI Road‐ster: rear storage shelfbehind the seatsThis space can be used to store briefcases, forexample.No heavy objectsOnly transport light and small objects onthe rear storage shelf; otherwise, braking ma‐neuvers and swerving may lead to a safety haz‐ard due to objects flying about the passengercompartment. Only transport heavy luggage inthe cargo area if it has been appropriately se‐cured. ◀Connection for an exter‐nal audio deviceThis can be used to connect an external audiodevice, refer to page 171 , such as a CD or MP3player.Seite 120ControlsStorage compartments120Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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