MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 7.05MB
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MINI ConvertibleSecuring cargo▷Secure smaller and lighter pieces with tight‐ening belts or straps.▷Secure larger and heavier pieces with cargostraps.Adhere to the information included withthe cargo straps.▷Four lashing eyes are available for fasteningthe cargo straps. Two of them are locatedon the inside wall of the cargo area.Securing cargoStow and secure the cargo as describedabove; otherwise it may present a danger tothe occupants, for instance during braking andavoidance maneuvers.Do not stow any heavy and hard objects in thepassenger compartment without securingthem; otherwise, they may present a danger tooccupants, for instance during braking andavoidance maneuvers.Never exceed either the approved gross vehicleweight or either of the approved axle loads, asexcessive loads can pose a safety hazard, andmay also place you in violation of traffic safetylaws.Do not secure cargo using the upper LATCHmounting points, refer to page 61; otherwise,these may become damaged. ◀Rear luggage rackNotesA special rear rack is available as an optionalaccessory. It does not require a trailer hitch.Follow the installation instructions for the rearrack.Anchorage pointsThe anchorage points are under the covers inthe bumper.Push out the covers on the corresponding cut‐outs.LoadingWhen loading the vehicle, ensure that the ap‐proved gross vehicle weight and the axle loadsare not exceeded. Adhere to the weight specifi‐cations in the technical data.Seite 130Driving tipsLoading130Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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