MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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▷ "Short route": short distance, irre‐spective of how fast or slow progresswill be.▷"Alternative routes": if available, alter‐native routes are suggested during ac‐tive destination guidance.5. Select additional criteria for the route, ifnecessary. Where possible, the selected cri‐teria are avoided on the route.▷"Avoid highways": highways areavoided wherever possible.▷"Avoid toll roads": toll roads areavoided wherever possible.▷"Avoid ferries": ferries are avoidedwhere possible.RouteDifferent views of the route are available duringdestination guidance:▷Arrow view.▷List of route sections.▷Map view, refer to page 150 .Arrow viewThe following information is displayed duringdestination guidance:▷Large arrow: indicates the current directionof travel.▷Street name of the road currently beingdriven on.▷Small arrow: indicates the next change indirection.▷Intersection view.▷Lane information.▷Traffic bulletins.▷Distance to the next change in direction.▷Street name at the next change in direc‐tion.Lane informationOn multi-lane roads, the recommended lanesare marked in the arrow view by a triangle.▷Solid triangle: best lane.▷Empty triangle: possible lane. However, an‐other lane change may be needed shortly.Displaying a list of route sectionsWhen destination guidance is active, a list ofthe route sections can be displayed. The drivingdistance and traffic bulletins are displayed foreach route section.1. "Navigation"2. "Route information"3.Highlight a route section.Bypassing a section ofthe routeCalculate a new route for a route section.1."Navigation"2."Route information"Seite 148NavigationDestination guidance148Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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