Real Time Traffic Information End-UserProvisionsCertain MINI models equipped with navigationhave the capability to display real-time trafficinformation. If your system has this capabilitythe following additional terms and conditionsapply:An End-User shall no longer have the right touse the Traffic Data in the event that the End-User is in material breach of the terms and con‐ditions contained herein.A. Total Traffic Network, a division of ClearChannel Broadcasting, Inc. (“Total Traffic Net‐work”) holds the rights to the traffic incidentdata and RDS-TMC network through which it isdelivered. You may not modify, copy, scan oruse any other method to reproduce, duplicate,republish, transmit or distribute in any way anyportion of traffic incident data. You agree to in‐demnify, defend and hold harmless MINI ofNorth America, LLC. (“MINI NA”) and Total Traf‐fic Network, Inrix, Inc (and their affiliates)against any and all claims, damages, costs orother expenses that arise directly or indirectlyout of (a) your unauthorized use of the trafficincident data or the RDS-TMC network, (b) yourviolation of this directive and/or (c) any unau‐thorized or unlawful activities by you in con‐nection herewith.B. Total Traffic Network traffic data is informa‐tional only. User assumes all risk of use. TotalTraffic Network, MINI NA, and their suppliersmake no representations about content, trafficand road conditions, route usability, or speed.C. The licensed material is provided to license“as is,” and “where is”. Total Traffic Network,including, but not limited to, any and all thirdparty providers of any of the licensed material,expressly disclaims, to the fullest extent permit‐ted by law, all warranties or representationswith respect to the licensed material (including,without limitation, that the licensed materialwill be error-free, will operate without interrup‐tion or that the traffic data will be accurate), ex‐press, implied or statutory, including, withoutlimitation, the implied warranties of merchant‐ability, non-infringement fitness for a particularpurpose, or those arising from a course of deal‐ing or usage of trade.D. Neither Total Traffic Network, Inrix, Inc. orMINI NA will be liable to you for any indirect,special, consequential, exemplary, or incidentaldamages (including, without limitation, lostrevenues, anticipated revenues, or profits relat‐ing to the same) arising from any claim relatingdirectly or indirectly to use of the traffic data,and even if Total Traffic Network, Inrix, Inc., orMINI NA are aware of the possibility of suchdamages. These limitations apply to all claims,including, without limitation, claims in contractand tort (such as negligence, product liabilityand strict liability). Some states do not allow theexclusion or limitation of incidental or conse‐quential damages, so those particular limita‐tions may not apply to you.Switching the reception on/off1. "Navigation"2. Open "Options".3. "Receive Traffic Info"Open the traffic bulletins1. "Navigation"2."Map"3. "Traffic Info"First, traffic bulletins for the calculatedroute are displayed.The traffic bulletins are sorted by their dis‐tance from the current position of the vehi‐cle.4.Select a traffic bulletin. "More information": display additionalinformation.5. Scroll to the next or previous traffic bulletinif required.Traffic bulletins on the map"Traffic conditions/gray map" active:Seite 152NavigationDestination guidance152Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13