MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 7.05MB
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Storing a channel1. "Radio"2."Satellite radio"3. If necessary, open "All channels" or the de‐sired category.4. Select the desired channel.5. Press the MINI joystick again.6. Press the MINI joystick again to confirm thehighlighted channel.7. Select the desired memory location.The channels are stored for the remote controlcurrently in use.Changing the list viewThe list view changes every time the first sym‐bol on the navigation bar is pressed.Information on the channel is displayed.Symbol Meaning Channel name Artist TrackSelecting a category1. "Radio"2. "Satellite radio"3. "Category"4. Select the desired category.TimeshiftApprox. one hour of the program being broad‐cast on the channel currently being listened tois stored in a buffer. Prerequisite: the signalmust be available.The stored audio track can be played with a de‐lay following the live broadcast. When the buf‐fer is full, the older tracks are overwritten. Thebuffer is cleared when a new channel is se‐lected.Opening the timeshift function1. "Radio"2. "Satellite radio"3. "Replay - Time shift"▷The red arrow shows the current playbackposition.▷The time difference to the live broadcast isdisplayed next to the buffer bar.▷For live transmissions "live".Timeshift menuSymbol Function Go to the live broadcast Playback/pause Next track Previous track Fast forwardSeite 164EntertainmentRadio164Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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