MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Additional telephoneA mobile phone can be used as an additionaltelephone.The additional telephone can be used to acceptincoming calls, refer to page 197 . While a call isactive on the additional telephone, receivedcalls are displayed on the Control Display.OfficeContacts, appointments, tasks, notes, text mes‐sages, and e-mails from the mobile phone aretransferred to the vehicle.Bluetooth audioA mobile phone can be used as an audiosource."Bluetooth® audio"To use a mobile phone in the vehicle as a tele‐phone only, deactivate the function and recon‐nect the mobile phone.Pairing and connecting a mobile phonePairing the mobile phoneTo avoid becoming distracted and posingan unnecessary hazard both to your own vehi‐cle's occupants and to other road users, onlypair the mobile phone while the vehicle is sta‐tionary. ◀1. "Telephone"2."Bluetooth® (phone)"3."Add new phone"The Bluetooth name of the vehicle is dis‐played.4. To perform additional steps on the mobilephone, refer to the mobile phone operatinginstructions: for instance, search for or con‐nect the Bluetooth device or a new device.The Bluetooth name of the vehicle appearson the mobile phone display.5. Select the Bluetooth name of the vehicle onthe mobile phone display.6. You are prompted by the onboard monitoror mobile phone to enter the same Blue‐tooth passkey.Enter the passkey and confirm.orCompare the control number on the vehicledisplay with the control number on the mo‐bile phone display. Confirm the controlnumber on the mobile phone and in thevehicle."OK"7.Select the functions for which the mobilephone is to be used.8. "OK"9.Move the MINI joystick to the left.Seite 194CommunicationBluetooth mobile phone preparation package194Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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