MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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tained in the vehicle. The address can bechecked for this purpose.1.Select the desired contact and highlight theaddress.2. Open "Options".3. "Check as destination"4. Correct and store the address if necessary.If the address is corrected and stored, a copy ofit is stored in the vehicle. The address is notchanged on the mobile phone.New contactGeneral informationA contact can have up to 8 phone numbers,2 addresses, 3 e-mail addresses and one Inter‐net address.1. "Office"2. "Contacts"3. Open "Options".4. "New contact"5.The entry fields are still filled with the previ‐ous entries: "Delete input fields"6.Fill in the entry fields: select the symbolnext to the entry field.7. Enter the text and assign the contact type.8. If the vehicle is equipped with a navigationsystem: enter the address. Only addressescontained in the navigation data in the ve‐hicle can be entered. This ensures that des‐tination guidance is possible for all ad‐dresses.If necessary, "Accept address".9. "Store contact in vehicle"Contact typesVarious contact types can be assigned to phonenumbers and addresses.Symbol Meaning Home phone number. Business phone number. Mobile phone number. Other phone number. Home address. Business address.Specifying the home addressA home address can be stored. It appears atthe top of the contact list.1. "Office"2. "Contacts"3. "Home"4.Create a contact.5."Store contact in vehicle"Selecting the sorting order of thenamesNames can be displayed in a different order.1. "Office"2."Contacts"3.Open "Options".4."Display: last, first name" or "Display: first,last name"Depending on how the contacts were stored onthe mobile phone, the sorting order of thenames may differ from the selected sorting or‐der.Seite 206CommunicationOffice206Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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