MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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292page / 7.05MB
▷The mobile phone is not capable of themissing function or is not connected cor‐rectly.▷The Office function is deactivated.▷The mobile phone is connected as an addi‐tional phone.▷Appointments are older than 20 days or aremore than 50 days in the future.▷The tasks have been marked as completedor have a due date that lies more than90 days in the future.▷Depending on the number of stored ap‐pointments, task notes, and messages inthe mobile phone, not all are displayed inthe vehicle.Not all appointments and tasks from the mobilephone are displayed at the right time?▷The time zone, time, or date is incorrectlyset on the Control Display and mobilephone.Entries are not displayed in full length.▷Text were already transmitted from themobile phone in a shortened form.▷Synchronization between the mobile phoneand vehicle may take several minutes.The contact pictures are not being displayed?▷Up to 200 contact pictures can be stored inthe vehicle.If all points in this list have been checked andthe required function is still not available,please contact the hotline or service center.Seite 211OfficeCommunication211Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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