MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Ensure that the floor mats are securely fastenedagain when they are returned after being re‐moved, such as for cleaning. ◀Floor mats can be removed for cleaning.If they are very dirty, clean with a microfibercloth and water or an interior cleaner. To pre‐vent matting of the carpet, rub back and forthin the direction of travel only.DisplaysTo clean the displays, such as the radio or dis‐play elements, use an antistatic microfibercloth.Cleaning displaysDo not use chemical or household cleans‐ers.Keep all fluids and moisture away from theunit.Otherwise, they could affect or damage surfa‐ces or electrical components.Avoid pressing too hard when cleaning and donot use abrasive materials; otherwise, damagecan result. ◀CD/DVD drivesNo cleaning CDDo not use cleaning CDs; otherwise, partsof the drive may become damaged. ◀Long-term vehicle storageYour service center can advise you on what toconsider when storing the vehicle for longerthan three months.Seite 263CareMobility263Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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