MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Short commands for voiceactivation systemVehicle equipmentThis chapter describes all series equipment aswell as country-specific and special equipmentoffered for this model series.Therefore, it alsodescribes equipment that may not be found inyour vehicle, for instance due to the selectedspecial equipment or the country version. Thisalso applies to safety-related functions and sys‐tems.General informationInstructions for voice activation system, refer topage 24.To have the available spoken instructions readout loud: ›Voice commands‹The following short commands apply to vehi‐cles equipped with a voice activation system.They have no function in vehicles in which onlythe mobile phone is operated using the voice.AdjustingVehicle Function CommandOpens the main menu. ›Main menu‹Open the options. ›Options‹Open the settings. ›Settings‹Settings on the Control Display. ›Control display‹Open the time and date. ›Time and date‹Open the language and units. ›Language and units‹Open the speed limit. ›Speed‹Open the light. ›Lighting‹Open the door lock. ›Door locks‹Seite 274ReferenceShort commands for voice activation system274Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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