X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
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▷To change the scale: turn the controller.▷To shift the map: move the controller inthe required direction.▷To shift the map diagonally: move thecontroller in the required direction andturn it.Specifying the streetIf the system does not recognize a street, one ofthe following is displayed:▷The name of a street in the vicinity.▷The county.▷The coordinates of the destination.Additional functionsAdditional functions are available on the inter‐active map after the controller is pressed.▷ Select the symbol."Start guidance" or "Add as anotherdestination"Add a destination as a further destination,refer to page 134 .▷"Exit interactive map": return to the mapview.▷"View in northern direction"▷"Display destination": the map sectionaround the destination is displayed.▷"Display current location": the map sectionaround your current location is displayed.▷"Find points of interest": the search for spe‐cial destinations is started.Destination entry by voice*General information▷Instructions for voice activation system, re‐fer to page 25.▷When making a destination entry by voice,you can change between voice operationand iDrive.▷To have the available spoken instructionsread out loud: ›Voice commands‹Saying the entries▷the town/city, street, and house number canbe entered as a single command*.▷Countries, towns and cities, streets, and in‐tersections can be said as whole words* orspelled in the language of the system, referto page 73.Example: to enter a town/city in a US stateas a whole word, the language of the systemmust be English.▷Spell the entry if the spoken language andthe language of the system differ.▷Say the letters smoothly, and avoid exag‐gerating the pronunciation and insertinglengthy pauses between the letters.▷The options available for entering data de‐pend on the navigation data and the countryand language settings.entering an address using a command*1. Press the button on the steeringwheel.2.›Enter address‹3.Wait for a request from the system.4.Say the address in the suggested order.5. Continue making the entry as prompted bythe system.If necessary, individually name the separatecomponents of the address, e.g., the town/city.Seite 133133Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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