X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
Starting the trip1. After all intermediate destinations are en‐tered, highlight the first destination.If the second destination, for example, ishighlighted when destination guidance isstarted, the first destination is skipped.2. "Start guidance" This symbol marks the active leg of thetrip.Store the tripUp to 30 trips can be stored in the trip list. Ifnecessary, delete existing trips to be able tostore new trips.1. Open "Options".2. "Store trip"3. Enter the name.4. "OK"Select the stored trip1. "Navigation"2. "Stored trips"3. Select a stored trip.4. "Start guidance"Reversing the direction of travelIntermediate destinations are displayed in re‐verse order in the list.1. "Map"2. "Guidance"3.Open "Options".4."Reverse order of trip dest."Intermediate destination options1. "Map"2. "Guidance"3. "Display all trip destinations"4. Select an intermediate destination.▷"Edit destination"▷"Reposition dest. in the trip": move anintermediate destination to another po‐sition in the list.▷"Delete dest. in the trip"▷"Go to next dest. in the trip"Some options are not available for certain trips.Delete the stored trip1. "Stored trips"2. Highlight the desired trip.3. Open "Options".4. "Delete all trips" or "Delete trip"With the Professional navigationsystem: Open the last trip1. "Navigation"2. "Stored trips"3. "Last trip"4. "Start guidance"Destination guidanceStarting destination guidance1. "Navigation"2.Make a destination entry, refer to page 128 .3."Accept destination"4."Start guidance"▷The route is shown on the Control Display.▷The distance to the destination/intermedi‐ate destination and the estimated time of ar‐rival are displayed in the map view.▷The arrow view is shown in the instrumentcluster, in the Head-up Display *, and on theControl Display where appropriate.Terminating destination guidance1."Navigation"2. "Map"3. "Guidance"4."Stop guidance"Seite 135135Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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