X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
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262page / 11.20MB
Continuing destination guidanceIf the destination was not reached during the lasttrip, destination guidance can be resumed."Resume guidance"Route criteriaGeneral information▷The route calculated can be influenced byselecting certain criteria.▷The route criteria can be changed when thedestination is entered and during destina‐tion guidance.▷Road types are part of the navigation dataand are taken into consideration when plan‐ning a route, e.g., avoid highways.▷The recommended route may differ from theroute you would take based on personal ex‐perience.▷The settings are stored for the remote con‐trol currently in use.▷Destination guidance with traffic bulletins,refer to page 141 .Changing the route criteria1. "Navigation"2."Map"3. "Route preference"4.Select the criterion:▷ "Fast route": time-optimized route,being a combination of the shortest pos‐sible route and the fastest roads.▷ "Efficient route": optimized combi‐nation of the fastest and shortest route.▷ "Short route": short distance, irre‐spective of how fast or slow progress willbe.▷"Alternative routes": if available, alter‐native routes are suggested during ac‐tive route guidance. The individual sug‐gestions are highlighted in color.5. Specify additional criteria for the route, ifnecessary:▷"Avoid highways": highways areavoided wherever possible.▷"Avoid toll roads": toll roads are avoidedwherever possible.▷"Avoid ferries": ferries are avoidedwhere possible.RouteDifferent views of the route are available duringdestination guidance:▷Arrow view in the instrument cluster and onthe Control Display.▷List of streets and towns/cities.▷Map view, refer to page 138 .▷Arrow view in the Head-up Display*, refer topage 99.Arrow viewThe following information is displayed duringdestination guidance:▷Large arrow: current direction of travel.▷Small arrow: indicates the next change in di‐rection.▷Intersection view.▷Lane information.▷Traffic bulletins.▷Distance to the next change in direction.▷Street name at the next change in direction.Seite 136136Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Navigation
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