X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
Lane informationOn multi-lane roads, the recommended lanesare marked in the arrow view by a triangle.▷Solid triangle: best lane.▷Empty triangle: possible lane. However, an‐other lane change may be needed shortly.Displaying a list of streets or towns/cities on the routeWith destination guidance started, a list of thestreets and towns/cities on the route can be dis‐played. The driving distances and traffic bulle‐tins are displayed for each route section.1. "Navigation"2. "Route information"3. Highlight a section.The route section is displayed on the splitscreen.Bypassing a section of the routeCalculate a new route for a route section.1. "Navigation"2. "Route information"3. "New route for"4.Turn the controller. Enter the number of kilo‐meters within which you would like to returnto the original route.5. Press the controller.Resuming the original routeIf the route section should no longer be by‐passed:1."Navigation"2. "Route information"3. "New route for:"4. "Remove blocking"Gas station recommendationThe remaining range is calculated and gas sta‐tions along the route are displayed.1. "Navigation"2. "Route information"3. "Recommended refuel"A list of the gas stations is displayed.4. Highlight a gas station.The position of the gas station is displayedon the split screen.5. Select the gas station.6. Select the symbol.7. "Start guidance": destination guidance tothe selected gas station is started."Add as another destination": the gas sta‐tion is added to the route.Switching spoken instructions on/offThe setting is stored for the remote control cur‐rently in use.1. "Navigation"2."Map"3. "Voice instructions"Repeating spoken instructions1. "Navigation"2."Map"3. Highlight the symbol.4.Press the controller twice.Volume of spoken instructionsTurn the volume button while giving an instruc‐tion until the desired volume is set.Seite 137137Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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