X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
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CareCar washesNotesSteam jets or high-pressure washersWhen using steam jets or high-pressurewashers, hold them a sufficient distance awayand use a maximum temperature of 140 ℉/60 ℃.Holding them too close or using excessivelyhigh pressures or temperatures can cause dam‐age or preliminary damage that may then lead tolong-term damage.Follow the operating instructions for the high-pressure washer.◀Cleaning sensors/cameras with high-pressure washersWhen using high-pressure washers, do notspray the exterior sensors and cameras, e.g.,Park Distance Control*, for extended periods oftime and only from a distance of at least 12 in/30 cm.◀Wash your vehicle frequently, particularly in win‐ter.Intense soiling and road salt can damage the ve‐hicle.Washing in automatic car washesYour vehicle can be washed in automatic carwashes right from the start.Give preference to cloth car washes or thosethat use soft brushes in order to avoid paintdamage.NotesNote the following:▷Make sure that the wheels and tires are notdamaged by the transport mechanisms.▷Fold in the exterior mirrors; otherwise, theymay be damaged, depending on the width ofthe vehicle.▷Deactivate the rain sensor*, refer topage 63, to avoid unintentional wiper acti‐vation.▷In some cases, an unintentional alarm can betriggered by the interior motion sensor of thealarm system*. Follow the instructions onavoiding an unintentional alarm, refer topage 43.Guide rails in car washesAvoid car washes with guide rails higherthan 4 in/10 cm; otherwise, the vehicle bodycould be damaged.◀Before driving into a car washThe vehicle is able to roll when the followingsteps are taken:Manual transmission:Automatic transmission/Sport automatic trans‐mission*:1. Depress the brake pedal.2. Engage transmission position N.3. Release the parking brake, refer to page 60,or deactivate Automatic Hold, refer topage 61.4.Switch the engine off.Transmission position P with the igni‐tion offWhen the ignition is switched off, position Pis engaged automatically. When in an auto‐matic car wash, for example, ensure that theignition is not switched off accidentally.◀The vehicle cannot be locked from the outsidewhen in transmission position N.A signal is sounded when an attempt is made tolock the vehicle.Transmission positionTransmission position P is engaged automati‐cally:Seite 233233Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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