Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全247ページ 11.67MB]
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247page / 11.67MB
Destination guidanceStarting destinationguidance1. "Navigation"2. "Enter address"3. Select the destination.4. "Accept destination"5. "Start guidance"The route is displayed on the Control Displayafter it is calculated.The distance to the destination/intermediatedestination and the estimated time of arrival aredisplayed in the map view.Terminating destinationguidance1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. Select the symbol.4. "Stop guidance"Continuing destinationguidanceIf the destination was not reached during the lasttrip, destination guidance can be resumed."Resume guidance"Route criteriaGeneral information▷The route calculated can be influenced byselecting certain criteria.▷The route criteria can be changed as oftenas necessary when the destination is en‐tered and during destination guidance.▷Road types, such as highways or curvyroads, are part of the navigation data and aretaken into consideration when planning aroute. As a result, the routes recommendedby the navigation system may not always bethe same ones that you would choose basedon personal experience.▷The settings are stored for the remote con‐trol currently in use.Changing the route criteria1. "Navigation"2. "Map"3. "Route preference"4. Select the criterion:▷"Fast route": time-optimized route, be‐ing a combination of the shortest possi‐ble route and the fastest roads.▷"Efficient route": optimized combina‐tion of the fastest and shortest route.▷"Short route": short distance, irrespec‐tive of how fast or slow progress will be.▷"Alternative routes": other suggestedalternative routes while destinationguidance is active.5. Specify additional criteria for the route, ifnecessary:▷"Avoid highways": highways areavoided wherever possible.▷"Avoid toll roads": toll roads are avoidedwherever possible.Seite 130130Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 604 231 - 03 10 500Destination guidance
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