Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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▷A wheel without TPM electronics is fitted:have the service center check it if necessary.▷Malfunction: have the system checked byyour service center.▷TPM could not be fully reset. Reset the sys‐tem again.The small warning lamp flashes in yel‐low and then lights up continuously;the larger warning lamp comes on inyellow. No flat tire can be detected.Display in the following situations:▷Disturbance by systems or devices with thesame radio frequency. After leaving the areaof the disturbance, the system automaticallybecomes active again.Declaration according to NHTSA/FMVSS 138 Tire Pressure MonitoringSystemsEach tire, including the spare (if provided)should be checked monthly when cold and in‐flated to the inflation pressure recommended bythe vehicle manufacturer on the vehicle placardor tire inflation pressure label (If your vehicle hastires of a different size than the size indicated onthe vehicle placard or tire inflation pressure la‐bel, you should determine the proper tire infla‐tion pressure for those tires.).As an added safety feature, your vehicle hasbeen equipped with a tire pressure monitoringsystem (TPMS) that illuminates a low tire pres‐sure telltale when one or more of your tires issignificantly under-inflated. Accordingly, whenthe low tire pressure telltale illuminates, youshould stop and check your tires as soon aspossible, and inflate them to the proper pres‐sure. Driving on a significantly under-inflated tirecauses the tire to overheat and can lead to tirefailure. Under-inflation also reduces fuel effi‐ciency and tire tread life, and may affect the ve‐hicle's handling and stopping ability.Please note that the TPMS is not a substitute forproper tire maintenance, and it is the driver's re‐sponsibility to maintain correct tire pressure,even if under-inflation has not reached the levelto trigger illumination of the TPMS low tire pres‐sure telltale.Your vehicle has also been equipped with aTPMS malfunction indicator to indicate whenthe system is not operating properly. The TPMSmalfunction indicator is combined with the lowtire pressure telltale. When the system detectsa malfunction, the telltale will flash for approxi‐mately one minute and then remain continu‐ously illuminated. This sequence will continueupon subsequent vehicle start-ups as long asthe malfunction exists. When the malfunctionindicator is illuminated, the system may not beable to detect or signal low tire pressure as in‐tended. TPMS malfunctions may occur for a va‐riety of reasons, including the installation of re‐placement or alternate tires or wheels on thevehicle that prevent the TPMS from functioningproperly. Always check the TPMS malfunctiontelltale after replacing one or more tires orwheels on your vehicle to ensure that the re‐placement or alternate tires and wheels allowthe TPMS to continue to function properly.Brake force displayThe concept▷During normal brake application, the brakelamps light up.▷During heavy brake application, the turn sig‐nals light up in addition.The brake force display is not activated if theturn signal function is switched on.Seite 80Controls Safety80Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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