Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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▷The remaining range is shown on the com‐puter.▷When a dynamic driving style is used, suchas when corners are taken rapidly, enginefunctions are not ensured.Below a range of approx. 30 miles/50 km, theindicator lamp is displayed continuously.Refuel promptlyAt the latest, refuel at a range of 30 miles/50 km; otherwise, the engine function is not en‐sured and damage may occur.◀ComputerDisplays in the instrument clusterCalling up informationPress the button in the turn indicator lever.The following items of information are displayedin the order listed:▷Range.▷Average speed.▷Average fuel consumption.▷Current fuel consumption.▷No information.To set the corresponding units of measure, for‐mats and units of measure, refer to page 63.RangeDisplays the estimated cruising range availablewith the remaining fuel. The range is calculatedbased on your driving style over the last18 miles/30 km and the current fuel supply.Average speedPeriods in which the vehicle was parked and theengine was switched off manually are not in‐cluded in the average speed calculations.To reset the average speed: press the button onthe turn indicator lever for approx. 2 seconds.Average fuel consumptionThe average fuel consumption is calculated forthe time during which the engine is running.To reset the average consumption: press thebutton on the turn indicator lever for ap‐prox. 2 seconds.Current fuel consumptionDisplays the current fuel consumption. This al‐lows you to see whether your current drivingstyle is conducive to fuel economy with mini‐mum exhaust emissions.Professional Radio: displays on theradio displaySome computer functions can also be shown,refer to page 119 , on the radio display.Settings and informationOperating conceptCertain settings and information can only becalled up when the ignition is switched on. Anumber of settings cannot be made while driv‐ing.Seite 62Controls Displays62Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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