Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
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Dynamic Traction ControlDTCThe conceptThe DTC system and the TRACTION programare a variant of the DSC in which forward mo‐mentum is optimized.The system ensures maximum forward momen‐tum on special road conditions, e.g., unplowedsnowy roads, but driving stability is limited.It is therefore necessary to drive with appropri‐ate caution.You may find it useful to briefly activate DTC un‐der the following special circumstances:▷When driving in slush or on uncleared,snow-covered roads.▷When rocking the vehicle or driving off indeep snow or on loose surfaces.▷When driving with snow chains.Deactivating/activating DynamicTraction Control DTCThe system and program can be deactivated/activated via Dynamic Driving Control, refer topage 83.Dynamic Driving ControlThe conceptDynamic Driving Control can be used to adjustthe driving dynamics of the vehicle. Several pro‐grams are available for this purpose; one pro‐gram can be activated at a time using the Dy‐namic Driving Control buttons.Operating the programsPress the button ProgramDSC OFFTRACTIONSPORT+SPORTCOMFORTDSC OFFDriving stability is limited during accelerationand when driving in bends.To increase vehicle stability, activate DSC againas soon as possible.Deactivating DSC: DSC OFFPress the button for no longer than ap‐prox. 10 seconds until the indicatorlamp for DSC OFF lights up in the instrumentcluster and DSC OFF appears in the instrumentcluster.The DSC system is switched off.Seite 82Controls Driving stability control systems82Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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