Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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220page / 9.90MB
Danger of pinchingMake sure that the closing path of thetrunk lid is clear; otherwise, injuries may result. ◀Press the trunk lid down lightly.It is closed automatically.Emergency unlockingPull the lever in the cargo area.The trunk lid unlocks.Comfort AccessThe conceptThe vehicle can be accessed without activatingthe remote control.All you need to do is to have the remote controlwith you, e.g., in your jacket pocket.The vehicle automatically detects the remotecontrol when it is nearby or in the passengercompartment.Comfort Access supports the following func‐tions:▷Unlocking/locking of the vehicle.▷Convenient closing.▷Convenient opening▷Unlocking of the trunk lid separately.▷Starting the engine.Functional requirement▷To lock the vehicle, the remote control mustbe located outside of the vehicle.▷The vehicle cannot be unlocked or lockedagain for approx. the next two seconds.▷The engine can only be started if the remotecontrol is inside the vehicle.Comparison to the standard remotecontrolThe specified functions can be controlled bypressing the button or via Comfort Access.If you notice a brief delay while opening or clos‐ing the windows or retractable hardtop, the sys‐tem is checking whether a remote control is in‐side the vehicle. Repeat the opening or closingprocedure, if necessary.UnlockingPull the handle up, arrow 1. This corresponds topressing the button.LockingPress on the surface, arrow 2.This corresponds to pressing the but‐ton.To save battery power, ensure that the ignitionand all electronic systems and/or power con‐Seite 28Controls Opening and closing28Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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