Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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▷ The central locking system remainsunlocked.7. Press button 2.Unlocking and opening doors▷ Press the button. The doors are un‐locked. To open, pull the door han‐dle above the armrest.▷Pull the door handle above the armresttwice: the door is unlocked the first time andopened the second time.Locking▷ Press the button. The doors arelocked.▷Press the lock button of a door. To preventyou from being locked out, the opened driv‐er's door cannot be locked using the lockbutton.Take the remote control with youPeople or animals left unattended in aparked vehicle can lock the doors from the in‐side. Always take the remote control with youwhen leaving the vehicle so that the vehicle canthen be opened from the outside.◀Trunk lidNote the opening height of the trunk lidDuring opening, the trunk lid pivots backand up. Ensure that there is sufficient clearancewhen the trunk lid opens; otherwise, damagemay result.◀Opening from the insidePress the button.The trunk lid opens unless it has beenlocked.Opening from the outside▷Press on the top half of the BMW emblem.▷ Press the button on the remote controlfor approx. one second.The trunk lid can be opened.ClosingRecessed grips in the interior trim of the trunklid make it easier to pull down the lid.Seite 27Opening and closing Controls27Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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