Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
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▷Do not hang pieces of clothing, such as jack‐ets, over the backrests.▷Make sure that passengers do not lean theirheads against the side airbag; otherwise, se‐rious injuries could result if the airbag sud‐denly deployed.▷Do not remove the airbag restraint system.▷Do not remove the steering wheel.▷Do not apply adhesive materials to the air‐bag cover panels, cover them or modifythem in any way.▷Never modify either the individual compo‐nents or the wiring in the airbag system. Thisalso applies to the covers of the steeringwheel, the dashboard and the seats.◀In the case of a malfunction, deactivationand after triggering of the airbagsDo not touch the individual components imme‐diately after the system has been triggered; oth‐erwise, there is the danger of burns.Only have the airbags checked, repaired or dis‐mantled and the airbag generator scrapped byyour service center or a workshop that has thenecessary authorization for handling explosives.Non-professional attempts to service the sys‐tem could lead to failure in an emergency or un‐desired triggering of the airbag, either of whichcould result in injury.◀Warning notices and information about the air‐bags can also be found on the sun visors.Automatic deactivation of thepassenger airbagsThe system determines whether the front pas‐senger seat is occupied by measuring the re‐sistance of the human body. The front and sideairbags on the front passenger side are acti‐vated or deactivated accordingly by the system.The indicator lamp above the interior rearviewmirror shows the current status of the passen‐ger airbags, deactivated or activated, refer toStatus of passenger airbags below.Passenger feet in the footwellMake sure that the front passenger keepshis or her feet in the footwell; otherwise, the frontpassenger airbags may not function properly.◀Child restraint fixing system in the frontpassenger seatBefore transporting a child on the passengerseat, read the safety and operating instructionsunder Transporting children safely, refer topage 43.◀Malfunction of the automaticdeactivation systemThe front passenger airbags may be deactivatedif adolescents and adults sit in certain positions;the indicator lamp for the front passenger air‐bags comes on. In this case, change the sittingposition so that the front passenger airbags areactivated and the indicator lamp goes out. If thedesired airbag status cannot be achieved bychanging the sitting position, do not transportthe passenger in the vehicle.To make sure that occupation of the seat cush‐ion can be detected correctly:▷Do not attach seat covers, seat cushion pad‐ding, ball mats or other items to the passen‐ger seat unless they are specifically recom‐mended by BMW.▷Do not place any objects on the front pas‐senger seat.▷Do not place objects under the seat thatcould press against the seat from below.Status of passenger airbagsSeite 74Controls Safety74Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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