Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
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sumers are switched off before locking the ve‐hicle.Window and convertible top operationWith the ignition in the radio ready state or be‐yond, the windows and the convertible top canbe opened and closed when a remote control islocated inside the vehicle.Unlocking the trunk lid separatelyPress on the top half of the BMW emblem. Thiscorresponds to pressing the button.If a remote control accidentally left in the trunkis detected in the locked vehicle, then the trunklid opens again. The hazard warning systemflashes and an acoustic signal sounds.Switching on the radio ready statePressing the Start/Stop button switches on theradio ready state, refer to page 45.Do not depress the brake or the clutch; other‐wise, the engine will start.Starting the engineThe engine can be started or the ignition can beswitched on when a remote control is inside thevehicle. It is not necessary to insert a remotecontrol into the ignition lock, refer to page 45.Switching off the engine in cars withSport automatic transmissionWhen the engine is switched off, transmissionposition P is engaged automatically unless N isengaged and the remote control is inserted inthe ignition lock.Driving into an automatic car wash with aSport automatic transmissionTo make it possible for the vehicle to roll, suchas in an automatic car wash, follow the instruc‐tions in Car washes, refer to page 182 .MalfunctionThe Comfort Access functions can be disturbedby local radio waves, such as by a mobile phonein the immediate vicinity of the remote control orwhen a mobile phone is being charged in thevehicle.If this occurs, open or close the vehicle using thebuttons on the remote control or use theintegrated key in the door lock.To start the engine afterward, insert the remotecontrol into the ignition switch.Warning lampsThe warning lamp in the instrumentcluster lights up when you attempt tostart the engine: the engine cannot bestarted.The remote control is not inside the vehicle or ismalfunctioning. Take the remote control withyou inside the vehicle or have it checked. If nec‐essary, insert another remote control into theignition switch.The warning lamp in the instrumentcluster lights up while the engine isrunning: the remote control is no lon‐ger inside the vehicle.After the engine is switched off, the engine canonly be restarted within approx. 10 seconds.The indicator lamp in the instrumentcluster lights up: replace the remotecontrol battery.Seite 29Opening and closing Controls29Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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