Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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Backrest width1. Adjust the backrest width to its widest set‐ting, refer to page 37.2. Install the child seat.Backrest width for the child seatBefore installing a child restraint fixingsystem in the front passenger seat, the backrestwidth must be opened completely. Do notchange the adjustment after this; otherwise, thestability of the child seat will be reduced.◀Child seat securityThe safety belt for the passenger can be lockedto prevent it from being pulled out when it is usedto secure child restraint systems.To lock the safety belt1. Secure the child restraint fixing system withthe belt.2.Pull out the belt webbing completely.3.Allow the belt webbing to be pulled in andpull it taut against the child restraint fixingsystem.The safety belt is locked.To unlock the safety belt1.Open the belt buckle.2. Remove the child restraint fixing system.3. Allow the belt webbing to be pulled in com‐pletely.Child restraint fixing system with tetherstrapFor Canadian Customers onlyThe following statement is required by Trans‐port CanadaThis vehicle is not equipped with user-readytether anchorages. As such neither a child re‐straint system, nor a booster cushion, requiringthe use of a tether strap can be properly securedin the vehicle.Seite 44Controls Transporting children safely44Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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