Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全220ページ 9.90MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 9.90MB
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220page / 9.90MB
Accelerating using the leverAccelerating slightly:Press the lever to the resistance point, arrow 1,and hold until the desired speed is reached.Accelerating significantly:Press the lever beyond the resistance point, ar‐row 1, and hold until the desired speed isreached.The vehicle accelerates without pressure on theaccelerator pedal. The system stores and main‐tains the speed.Decreasing speedRepeatedly pull the lever to the resistance pointor beyond, arrow 2, until the desired speed isdisplayed.▷Each time the lever is pulled to the resist‐ance point, the desired speed is decreasedby approx. 1 mph/1 km/h.▷Each time the lever is pulled beyond the re‐sistance point, the desired speed is reducedby up to 5 mph or 10 km/h until the minimumspeed of 20 mph/30 km/h is achieved.The system stores and maintains the speed.Interrupting the systemPush the lever upwards or downwards, arrow 3.The displays in the speedometer change color.In addition, the system is automatically inter‐rupted in the following situations:▷When the brakes are applied.▷In cars with manual transmission, whengears are shifted very slowly or if neutral isengaged.▷In cars with Sport automatic transmission,when transmission position N is engaged.▷When DTC is activated or DSC is deacti‐vated.▷When DSC or ABS is intervening.Cruise control is not deactivated by depressingthe accelerator pedal. Once the acceleratorpedal is released, the stored speed is achievedagain and maintained.Warning lampThe warning lamp comes on, for ex‐ample, when cruise control has beendeactivated as a result of DSC inter‐vention.Deactivating the system▷Press the lever upward or downward twice,arrow 3.▷Switch off the ignition.The stored speed is cleared.Resuming a speed stored beforehandPress the button, arrow 4. The last stored speedis resumed and maintained.Displays in the instrument cluster1 Stored speed2 Selected speed is displayed brieflyIf --- mph or --- km/h temporarily appears in theinstrument cluster display, it is possible that thesystem prerequisites for operation are currentlynot met.Call up Check Control messages, refer topage 67.MalfunctionThe warning lamp comes on when thesystem has failed.Seite 86Controls Driving comfort86Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 609 184 - 09 11 500
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